Getting health insurance will often save you money in the long or short term, but the same cannot be said for dental insurance. While health insurance covers your bills upon reaching the amount of your deductible, dental insurance cuts your coverage as you reach the annual limit. This is possibly why 1 out of 4 Americans do not subscribe to any dental insurance plan – for many, it’s just not very cost-efficient.
If you currently have dental insurance or are seeking to have one, take note of these tips so you can save yourself the money and frustration.
Tip 1: Choose The Right Plan For You
The two main types of dental plans are Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) and Health Maintenance Organization (HMO).
If you have a PPO, your monthly premium and out-of-pocket expenses are higher as there are annual coverage limits of around $1,000 to $2,000. You will get a relatively lower monthly premium and deductibles (if any) with an HMO. However, with an HMO plan, you’ll have fewer choices of dentists and treatment options to choose from. Thus, you can still end up paying more with an HMO if your dentist isn’t in-network with your insurance provider.
You still have to monitor your in-network and out-of-network coverages with PPOs to reduce costs. They are in-network with many dental clinics, so there’s a better chance that you get discounts. Most dental insurance holders also prefer PPO plans as it gives them greater control as to where to go for primary care and more flexibility with plan options.
Both have their pros and cons and so it’s best to give due diligence to know which works for you.
Tip 2: Schedule Your Procedures
If it’s not a dental emergency, schedule your procedures as timely as possible to maximize your dental coverage. That means, don’t do 5 fillings and two crows at the same time! Doing so will help you save hundreds of dollars for out-of-pocket costs. Ask your dentist to help you time your procedures to make the best use of your benefits.
Tip 3: Know Your Options
You can easily use up your annual maximum with a single dental procedure if you don’t know your options. Call several dental offices near you and you’ll find a great difference between prices in the same city. If you have a dental emergency but are on a tight budget, we can still help you find an emergency dentist near your area. Call 247Dental at (800) 123-1234 to know your options.
Tip 4: Sign Up For A Family Dental Insurance
Yup! This is a thing and is a great way to save money. Lump yourself, your wife/husband, and your kids in the same dental insurance plan to maximize benefits. Plus, you get to teach your kids the importance of healthy oral hygiene.
Tip 5: Choose A Plan With Free Preventative Coverage
Many dental insurances now include free preventative coverage to help you (and them!) save. Spotting a dental issue before it gets worse can save you from unnecessary pain and your insurance the unnecessary expense. Religiously go to your exams and cleanings at least twice a year for less cost.
Want To Know Which Emergency Dentist Near You Accepts Your Insurance?
We partnered with more than 3600 emergency dentists from across the United States to help you find your perfect dentist. Most of our partners accept PPO or HMO insurances and we can get you connected within 5 minutes. Reach 247Dental now at (800) 123-1234.